Warning Signs of Heart Disease You Shouldn’t Ignore
January 16, 2023

Heart disease is one of the leading causes of death in the United States. It can be difficult to detect, as many of its symptoms are silent.
That’s why it’s important to be aware of the warning signs and seek medical attention if you experience any of them.
Here are sneaky signs that could signal heart disease.
- Chest Pain or Discomfort – Chest pain or discomfort is a common symptom of heart disease and can range from mild to severe. It typically presents as pressure, tightness, squeezing, or burning in the chest. If you experience any type of chest pain, seek medical attention immediately.
- Shortness of Breath – Difficulty breathing is another common sign of heart disease and can manifest in different ways. You may feel like you're short on air even when you're not exerting yourself physically, or your breathing may become labored with activity even if it was not an issue previously.
- Fatigue – Feeling tired for no apparent reason can indicate something is wrong with your cardiovascular system. If you find yourself becoming unusually exhausted after physical activities that used to be no problem for you, it's best to get checked out by a doctor right away.
- Unexplained Weight Loss – Sudden weight loss without changes in diet or exercise habits may be a sign that something is wrong with your body's systems and should not be ignored. Severe weight loss could mean something serious is present and needs to be treated right away.
- Swollen Feet/Ankles – Swelling in the feet and ankles could be a sign that your heart isn't pumping blood efficiently enough throughout your body and fluid is pooling up instead. This symptom should always warrant a trip to the doctor as soon as possible because it could mean there’s an underlying issue occurring inside your body that needs immediate medical attention.
Although these signs do not necessarily mean you have heart disease, they should not be taken lightly. If any combination of these warning signs occur together, please consult with your health care provider immediately for further evaluation. Early detection can help treat the condition before it gets too severe, so don’t hesitate to get checked out if anything concerning arises.