It is all about how you live

Hospice care is a special kind of care for you and your loved ones during the final stage of life. We help you make the best of the time you have. By creating a plan, you gain quality time, spent at home with dignity, surrounded by family.

Our specially trained staff is available 24 hours a day to answer questions and provide visits as necessary.

For more information about hospice, call 1-800-598-6155. Our registered nurses are available seven days a week for a no-obligation assessment or consultation.

Priscilla Ammerman’s journey with Guthrie Hospice

Hear the personal story of Priscilla Ammerman’s journey with Guthrie Hospice through the voice of her family’s touching testimonial.

How can hospice help?

Hospice services can meet your medical, psychological and spiritual needs in the last stages of life. Services can be provided at home, in the hospital or in a long-term care facility.

  • Staff is available 24 hours a day to answer questions and provide visits as necessary.
  • Hospice volunteers are available to lend support that can enhance your quality of life.
  • Medication, medical equipment and supplies are provided as needed for comfort.
  • Bereavement and grief services are available for your family as needed for up to 13 months after the loss of a loved one.
  • Bereavement support group is open to all members of the community. Three sessions lasting five weeks each are offered throughout the year.

Services include:

  • Pain relief and symptom management
  • Nursing
  • Aides for personal care
  • Spiritual support and counseling
  • Medical social work
  • Physical, occupational and speech therapies
  • Dietary counseling
  • Short-term inpatient care
  • Respite
  • Durable medical equipment
  • Bereavement Services

When to Call Hospice

When treatment can no longer cure or manage the life-limiting disease, it’s time to consult Hospice. Usually, hospice care starts when a person has less than six months to live. You and your family members and your doctor can discuss the most appropriate time to start care.

Hospice care includes symptom management and pain relief as well as spiritual and emotional care.

You, your physicians, or your family members may request Hospice services. Anybody can call Hospice. If you don’t know whether to call or not, call. We can answer your questions -- 800-598-6155.

Hospice Care Team

The Hospice care team includes:

  • Physicians
  • Registered nurses
  • Licensed practical nurses
  • Hospice aides
  • Social workers
  • Chaplain
  • Bereavement coordinator
  • Volunteers

Guthrie Hospice Care

Guthrie Hospice Care is available in Pennsylvania. Other hospice programs are available in New York state.

  • Guthrie Hospice is certified by the Pennsylvania Department of Health and is a member of the National Hospice and Palliative Care Organization (NHPCO) and the Pennsylvania Home Association (PHA).
  • Hospice nurses and aides are certified in hospice and palliative care by the National Board for Certification of Hospice and Palliative Nurses (NBCHPN).

Hospice FAQs

Hospice Events

Annual Memorial Service

Each year Guthrie Hospice holds an annual memorial service. As part of the memorial service, we have a special butterfly release in remembrance of those who have died.

Golf for Guthrie

The mission of the tournament is to raise funds for Guthrie Hospice to enhance and support Hospice programs and services.

Good Grief Day Camp

Good Grief Day Camp is a day camp setting to help children with grief and bereavement through play, art, music and activities.

Daughter Shares Her Mother’s Hospice Care Experience

I am waiting for my mom at a nail salon in Mountaintop, Pa. where two of her grandchildren reside. Two months ago, I would have never thought my mom and I would be enjoying a beautiful fall day in Mountaintop two hours away from our home in Sayre. My mom is 96 years young and was recently hospitalized with Congestive Heart Failure. She was retaining so much fluid that her breathing was affected, her clothes/shoes did not fit, she struggled to get in/out of bed ... life was difficult. The doctors and nurses in the hospital did their best to treat mom but her heart just could not keep up with the demands of her body. There were options such as surgery, but mom had some time ago decided she would leave the journey home up to God.

Before discharge from the hospital, I had so many concerns and questions. How would we manage at home? With possible restrictions regarding trying to manage her fluid, what would her diet look like? She already ate little and not much food appealed to her. Monitoring her sodium and fluid intake seemed so overwhelming and so limiting. How would she get into/out of bed without difficulty, without harm? How will she be comfortable and happy in her present condition? Knowing my concerns and anxiety level, the hospital recommended Palliative/Hospice Care. This is when our wonderful relationship with Hospice began.

The minute Hospice became involved, my anxiety level plummeted. Our Hospice Care Manager, Karen, who came to our home shortly after discharge, explained the Hospice philosophy. After she left, I could breathe again. Mom could eat whatever she enjoyed. We got a hospital bed which made a tremendous difference. Mom would have a nurse visit every week and we had a number to call 24/7.

Words can’t express the appreciation we have for our Hospice Nurse, Susanne. With her care and expertise, my mom lost 28 pounds of fluid weight and feels terrific. It goes without saying that getting to this point wasn’t easy but with attentive care and consistent monitoring, Susanne and her team met the challenge!

Today, my mom is actively getting through her bucket list. Time isn't spent going to medical office visits but is spent dining out and getting manicures. Mom was in Mountaintop visiting her grandson’s new home and will be flying to Florida soon to visit four other grandchildren in their new homes. Life is good!

Hospice for us wasn't about death or despair but hope and having the tools to live life to the fullest. We don’t know when my mom’s heart will stop beating but with hospice, she won’t miss a beat the rest of her life.
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