Pharmacy Residency Program Graduates
Some recent feedback from our graduates:
Program Graduates
Graduates from Guthrie Robert Packer Hospital PGY1 pharmacy residency have spread out around the United States and are thriving, providing exceptional care in many different specialties, including as leaders, generalists, and specialists in critical care/emergency medicine, hematology/oncology, infectious diseases, and medication use safety & policy. Listed below are the first jobs the residents took after graduation.

David Mastro – Pharmacist, Guthrie Robert Packer Hospital Pharmacy
Keith Hughes - Pharmacist, Guthrie Robert Packer Hospital Pharmacy

Brian Kam – PGY2 Medication Use Safety and Policy, Memorial Sloan Kettering,
Kathleen Hanrahan – PGY2 Infectious Diseases, Upstate University Hospital, Syracuse, NY

Alena Thannikal - Clinical Pharmacist, Critical Care and Emergency Medicine, Geisinger Medical Center, Danville, PA

Alec Romanowski – Clinical Pharmacist, St. Mary’s Infusion Center, Rochester Regional health, Rochester, NY

Kristeen Alazruei – Pharmacist, Salem Medical Center, Salem, NJ

(pictured with Nicholas Stevens, Pharm.D. Candidate)

(pictured with inaugural PGY1 pharmacy residency preceptors)
How it all started, July 2017