Your Plan, Your Choice for Maternity Care

Some women prefer to give birth naturally, while others take comfort knowing pain relief is available. Some want to know the baby’s gender as soon as possible, while many look forward to being surprised. No matter what you have chosen for your birth plan, Guthrie is honored to be part of your prenatal and birthing experience.

What to Expect at Obstetric Appointments

Your first prenatal visit is very exciting, with a lot happening:

  • You will talk with your provider about your medical history and expectations.
  • Your provider will order blood work to check your blood type.
  • Your provider will perform a pelvic exam to evaluate any changes in your cervix and the size of your uterus. This can help determine how many weeks pregnant you are.

At the first visit and every visit after:

  • Your blood pressure and weight will be monitored.
  • A urine sample will also be requested to test protein, glucose and for signs of a bladder, urinary tract or kidney infection.
  • Your provider will listen to your baby’s heartbeat using a Doppler instrument and monitor your baby’s growth by measuring from the top of your uterus to your pubic bone.

At every visit, we encourage you to ask questions and share your concerns.

Preparing for childbirth and delivery

Guthrie labor and delivery is available at Guthrie Corning Hospital, Guthrie Cortland Medical Center, Guthrie Lourdes Hospital and Guthrie Robert Packer Hospital.

Around your 37th week of pregnancy, we invite you to tour the labor and delivery unit at the hospital of your choice and pre-register for your hospital stay. During this visit, our obstetrical nurses will talk to you about the choices you have made for labor, delivery and postpartum care including breastfeeding.

  • Guthrie Corning Hospital’s Birthplace: 607-937-7561
  • Guthrie Cortland Medical Center Labor and Delivery: 607-756-3750
  • Guthrie Robert Packer Hospital’s First Impressions: 570-887-5034
  • Guthrie Lourdes Birthing Center: 607-798-5522

Giving birth

There is no way to predict when you will go into labor, but when you do, Guthrie labor and delivery is ready for you.

When you first arrive at the hospital, a nurse will take you into triage, where you will be hooked up to a monitoring system to assess your contractions and your baby’s heart rate. You will be admitted to the hospital from triage once the nurse has assessed your active labor and its progression. Once you have been admitted to the hospital from triage your labor nurse will help you prepare for delivery.

Every birthing experience is different; every mother will experience labor pains differently. Some mothers can relieve their pain with breathing and relaxation techniques while other mothers may be more comfortable with pain relievers or an epidural.

Caring for Mom and Baby

After you give birth, your nurse will check your blood pressure, pulse, temperature, respiration, uterine firmness and vaginal bleeding regularly for the first few hours. You will also be encouraged to walk as soon as you can. Let your nurse help you out of bed the first time you get up.

Should you choose to breastfeed, your nurse will be able to help you with latching on and different feeding positions that may make both you and your infant more comfortable.

The same nurse will care for both you and your infant. She will be readily available to answer any questions you may have and assist you with caring for your newborn.

A Guthrie provider will check your infant for signs of a problem or illness. The pediatrician will specifically monitor your infant’s heart and respiratory rates, muscle tone, reflexes and coloration. Throughout your hospital stay, your infant’s health will be monitored by doctors and nurses by physical and observational assessments. Your newborn will be weighed daily to evaluate his or her growth, fluid and nutritional needs.